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Teen Tanning: A Short-Term Decision With Long-Term Consequences

Even after hearing that women who have ever been indoor tanning are six times more likely to be diagnosed with melanoma in their 20s than those who have never done so, it’s hard to believe skin cancer can happen at such a young age. Most young indoor tanners probably don’t believe it can happen to them.

Building Your Skin Cancer Team

When skin cancer becomes advanced, you may need one or more of these medical professionals to support your treatment and recovery.

Are You in the Know About This Sun Protection Strategy?

Wearing hats and sunglasses and applying sunscreen, for instance, are almost no-brainers for anyone looking to keep their skin safe from UV rays. But there are plenty of other products and behaviors you can incorporate into your sun protection strategy.

Scratching the Surface

If you have itchy skin, you know it can nearly drive you crazy. It can also be a sign of skin cancer. Here’s everything you need to know.

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