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On Our Way in May!

So far, our incredible event staff and committed volunteer dermatologists have facilitated and performed over 281 skin cancer screenings. During 39 hours of screening time, our doctors have identified a total of 41 suspected cancers and precancers, including 11 suspected melanomas – and we’re just getting warmed up!

Why Do We (Still) Tan?

We know the risks of tanning, so why do people still do it? Here, a deep look at the history behind tan skin.

Sunscreen Safety

There’s a lot of information out there about sunscreen safety, and not all of it is reliable. We asked a top expert to address some common questions about sunscreens.

Teach Your Kids About Sun Protection

Getting kids on board early with sun protection is crucial — but it isn’t always easy. Our expert dermatologists share their best practices to make sun care a daily habit at every age.

Indoor Tanning Legislation: Here’s Where We Stand

When you consider the dangers of indoor tanning, it’s difficult to believe the practice is still legal for anyone, let alone children. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a proven human carcinogen, and more than 419,000 cases of skin cancer in the U.S. each year are linked to indoor tanning. Yet we know that teenagers around the country are still using UV tanning beds.

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