Sun & Skin News

Healthy Lifestyle

Great Skin Is Made in the Shade

One of the best sun protection strategies is to go where the sun is not. It’s free and easy if you keep it in mind, so put shade on your radar!

Bringing up a Sun-Safe Baby

Protecting young children from harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation is important not only for avoiding immediate consequences like painful sunburns, but also for minimizing skin cancer risk later in life. Here’s what you need to know about keeping the baby in your life sun safe.

Getting Pregnant After a Melanoma Diagnosis: What You Need to Know

Melanoma is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women in their 20s and 30s, when many women are thinking about starting or expanding their families. A history of melanoma doesn’t automatically mean pregnancy is off the table, but there are factors to consider.

Is It Possible to Reverse Sun Damage?

Hopefully you’ve been careful this summer, but you may still have acquired some damage. If this year’s warmest months (and all of the previous summers) have left you with dark spots, fine lines and other signs of sun damage, it is possible to improve the situation.

What’s the Sunscreen Situation?

Given recent news reports, you may be wondering if sunscreens are safe for you and your family, as well as the planet. Elizabeth Buzney, MD, an expert and member of our Photobiology Committee, helps sort it all out.

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