Sun & Skin News

The Skin Cancer Foundation Journal

Our annual magazine, The Skin Cancer Foundation Journalshares advice from experts on skin cancer prevention, early detection and treatment, as well as stories from people who have experienced skin cancer. It also highlights our members, donors, programs and events that all support our efforts to fight the world’s most common cancer.

When a Child Gets Skin Cancer

Pediatric melanomas are rare and different from adult cases, but they can happen. One young girl’s story, how St. Jude helped and what parents need to know.

A Lifetime in the Sun

A renowned physician tells of his lifetime love of the great outdoors. The drawback? His sun exposure led to serious skin cancers.

The Irresistible Calm of Nature

We all know that nature nurtures us. Scientific studies confirm there are benefits when you step onto a forest trail, hear a breeze rustle the leaves, touch the roughness of bark and smell the scent of pine needles and wildflowers. So what’s stopping you? Just don’t forget the sun protection!

Clinically Speaking

Participating in a clinical trial can lead to lifesaving medical breakthroughs for you and others. Here’s what you need to know.

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