After a quiet battle with Merkel cell carcinoma, the late musician Jimmy Buffett gives fans a second act, raising awareness for this rare but aggressive disease.
After a quiet battle with Merkel cell carcinoma, the late musician Jimmy Buffett gives fans a second act, raising awareness for this rare but aggressive disease.
The death of Jimmy Buffett sparked unprecedented interest in Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare and aggressive skin cancer.
“What’s that?” These two simple words led to Sue Manber’s early diagnosis of Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare, aggressive and deadly form of skin cancer.
When Luis Carrazana, 57, received a phone call from a nurse at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York […]
Jamie’s instincts were spot on — she knows now, two years later, that a rapidly metastasizing Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) was the reason for James’ sudden weight loss.
What is this new treatment, and why is it such a big step forward?
“My doctor called me herself, not the office, so I knew something was fishy. She said the biopsy came back and it wasn’t basal cell, it wasn’t squamous cell and it wasn’t melanoma. So I asked, ‘What’s left on the list?’” It was Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), she told him, a rare and dangerous form of skin cancer.
The Skin Cancer Foundation’s Research Grants Program has given young physicians and investigators a special boost for studies that served as stepping stones to major lifesaving breakthroughs.