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Skin Cancer is Serious

The unfortunate truth is that many people don’t understand how serious skin cancer can be until it happens to them. That’s why we’re working to change the way people think about skin cancer.  

Your Skin Cancer Awareness Month Issue

May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month! Starting today and throughout the spring, we’re speaking up about the world’s most common cancer. Visit our website for everything you need to know, including accurate, medically reviewed skin cancer information, images and videos.

Never Too Early, Never Too Late

During Skin Cancer Awareness Month, we join the medical community, the skincare industry and the media to educate people about the prevention, early detection and treatment of skin cancer.

From Beauty Mark to Melanoma

Chrissy Carbone has always had moles on her skin. She never dreamed that the innocent-looking “beauty marks” could become life-threatening.

Find Your Sun Protection Style!

Sunscreen is always a major part of the sun protection equation, but there are many other clothing and accessory options you can mix and match to create the best possible coverage. Here’s our guide to find what’s best for you.

Acral Melanoma Survivor Warns: Know What to Look For

Most people who go to the podiatrist would never expect to get biopsied and diagnosed with a rare, dangerous skin cancer. But that’s exactly what happened to Dorothy Overstreet. Now, she wants to educate people about acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) and how to detect it.  

The Heat Is On

As the world’s temperature rises, scientists say, so does our risk of skin cancer. Get the facts about how global warming affects your skin.

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