Sun & Skin News

Blogs by Victoria Kopec

Victoria is Senior Director of Digital Strategy, heading up The Skin Cancer Foundation's content strategy for the website, blog and social media. She has decades of experience writing and editing content related to health care, chronic and communicable diseases, global health, cancer and cancer research. Victoria has worked on website launches and digital content creation and strategy for Memorial Sloan-Kettering's Cycle for Survival and Fred's Team fundraising programs, AmeriCares global health and emergency response programs, DKMS bone marrow donor center and the Cardiovascular Research Foundation.

Acral Melanoma Survivor Warns: Know What to Look For

Most people who go to the podiatrist would never expect to get biopsied and diagnosed with a rare, dangerous skin cancer. But that’s exactly what happened to Dorothy Overstreet. Now, she wants to educate people about acral lentiginous melanoma (ALM) and how to detect it.  

Skin Cancer Is Serious

The truth is that many people don’t realize that skin cancer is serious until it happens to them. That’s why we’re working to educate people about the dangers of skin cancer and the importance of sun protection and early detection. You can help!

From Beauty Mark to Melanoma

Chrissy Carbone has always had moles on her skin. She never dreamed that the innocent-looking “beauty marks” could become life-threatening.

Speak Up in the Fight Against Skin Cancer

People are speaking up in the fight against skin cancer and you can too. The louder our collective voice, the more people we can reach and the more lives we can save.

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