Sun & Skin News

Skin Cancer Information

You Need A Biopsy. Now What Happens? Part 1

Knowing when and what to biopsy is an important skill set for a dermatologist, but getting an accurate diagnosis is still a complicated process. That’s where a dermatopathologist comes in.

Men on the Hook

In the fight against skin cancer, men are way behind the women. What can we do to help those with the Y chromosome catch up?

Ask the Expert: Mole Mapping

The term “mole mapping” most commonly refers to the monitoring process for a patient who is at a high-risk for developing melanoma.

Ask the Expert: Stop Cancer Before It Starts

I noticed a small scaly patch on my forehead. It seems like dry skin, but sometimes it’s itchy and forms a little scab when I scratch it. I’ve had it for a while. Should I see a doctor just for that?

Ask the Expert: Painful Moles

Can a cancerous mole cause pain below the skin? The answer is not always straightforward. Find out what to do if a mole is causing you pain.

Melanoma at Its Most Curable

Our authors’ recent research shows that melanoma in situ, the earliest form of the disease, is on the rise, especially […]

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