Sun & Skin News

Cold Dry Air Requires a Little Extra Skin Care

By Skin Cancer Foundation Published On: February 3, 2023 Last Updated: February 3, 2023
dry winter skin

Here at The Skin Cancer Foundation, we spend a lot of time talking about skin cancer, but we’re also concerned with overall skin health. That means not only protecting your skin from sun damage, but also giving the largest organ in your body some TLC throughout the year.

Bitterly cold temperature and high winds can be particularly harsh on your skin. Here are some simple tips to keep your skin soft and supple as we get through this final stretch of winter:

  1. Use a humidifier
    A humidifier adds moisture to the air, soothing itchy winter skin and preventing dryness. Make sure to use filtered or distilled water rather than tap water, and replace it daily so that bacteria doesn’t have a chance to grow.
  2. Consider a new moisturizer
    Many people find a moisturizer that they love and stick with it day in and day out. The issue with this approach is that your skin changes as the environment around it changes. With colder weather, your dry skin may require a denser moisturizer. When selecting a product for your winter routine, take a close look at the label and look for ingredients which are well-suited for dry skin. Hyaluronic acid, lactic acid and glycerin have all been proven to hydrate and refresh. Regardless of your preferred product, your moisturizer should contain SPF 15 to protect against incidental sun exposure.
  3. Mind your water temperature
    While your natural instinct may be to take steamy hot showers when the weather is cold, doing so robs the skin of necessary moisture. Instead, opt for warm showers and use a gentle, moisturizing soap or body wash.
  4. Apply moisturizer when skin is wet
    The best time to use cream or lotion is when your skin is still damp (like right after you’ve washed your face or taken a shower). This helps to trap the moisture before it evaporates and is especially important during the winter because the season’s dry air speeds up the process.

You still have plenty of time to perfect your cold weather skin routine and master tricks for keeping your skin healthy for years to come. Stay tuned; we’ll share skin tips for spring and summer in the coming months.

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