A retired NYPD detective, who spent his career looking for clues, learned a tough lesson about how to identify skin cancer warning signs that were hiding in plain sight.
A retired NYPD detective, who spent his career looking for clues, learned a tough lesson about how to identify skin cancer warning signs that were hiding in plain sight.
Get the facts about Mohs surgery for treating skin cancer, and learn where to find medically-reviewed information about the procedure.
The little spot on my forehead didn’t look like much, but it didn’t feel right to me. Turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma, a more dangerous type of skin cancer than I’d had before.
Our expert discusses the pain that may be associated with excisional surgery and Mohs Surgery, the most commonly recommended treatment options for early-stage skin cancers.
First Lady Jill Biden had Mohs surgery to remove two basal cell carcinomas; one found above her right eye during a routine skin cancer screening and one on her chest identified during her pre-operative consultation.
If much of a skin cancer tumor is below the surface, the scar may be bigger than expected. But Mohs surgery has a high cure rate while sparing as much healthy tissue as possible.
A renowned physician tells of his lifetime love of the great outdoors. The drawback? His sun exposure led to serious skin cancers.
If you are having Mohs surgery to treat your skin cancer, here are some things to keep in mind before your procedure.
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC), the most common skin cancer, is often easy to treat. But BCC on your face can be a big deal, as Alison Sweeney learned when she was diagnosed.
Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) can become advanced and, in rare cases, even life-threatening, but today there are new treatment options for these patients.