Sun & Skin News

sun protection

Back-to-School Sun Safety

Whether you rejoice or feel sad when your kids head back to school, you hope your good influence sticks with them! That’s why it’s so important to teach children and teens about protecting their skin and eyes from the dangerous effects of the sun — all year long.

Spot the Sun Protection!

A complete sun protection routine uses sunscreen, window shields, clothing, sunglasses, hats, umbrellas, natural shade and more. How many do you count?

Don’t Fall for It: You Still Need Sun Protection

As the weather gets cooler and the days grow shorter, it’s easy to think that you don’t need sunscreen anymore. After all, you’re just taking the dog for a walk, running a few errands or going to work. You’re just outside for a few minutes. And you’re wearing a jacket. That should have you covered, right? Nope!

Cycling and Sun Protection

Fall weather is perfect for bicycling, whether it’s a long-distance challenge or a leisurely family ride in the country. The sun is out, the air is crisp, the humidity tends to be lower — and the need for sun protection is as important as ever.

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