Chrissy Carbone has always had moles on her skin. She never dreamed that the innocent-looking “beauty marks” could become life-threatening.
Chrissy Carbone has always had moles on her skin. She never dreamed that the innocent-looking “beauty marks” could become life-threatening.
You learn that a friend has skin cancer and you instantly start to worry. After all, you grew up together; you spent your summers on the beach, tanning. Are you at risk for skin cancer, too?
In the ABCDEs of melanoma, “dark” may be an even more important warning sign than “diameter” and deserves more awareness.
Amelanotic melanomas can resemble other skin cancers like basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, or worse, may be mistaken for benign moles, scars or cysts. This can delay diagnosis, which may prove dangerous, since early detection of melanoma is critical; early melanomas are almost always curable, while those that advance beyond stage I become more difficult to treat.