Sun & Skin News

5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Lips

When it comes to lip care, you should never slack off, especially during the winter. That’s why we’re sharing our best tips for getting beautiful, healthy and kissable lips — just in time for Valentine’s Day!

What They’re Thankful For: Thoughts from The SCF Community

Last Thanksgiving, The Skin Cancer Foundation staff shared what we were thankful for. This year, we asked our online community of skin cancer survivors to tell us what they’re grateful for this holiday season. Here are a few of their responses.

Reapply on the Fourth of July

Regular readers of our blog should know our sun safety tips by heart, but there’s one that we know people have trouble with: remembering to reapply sunscreen.

Nah Nah Nah Nah Hey Hey Hey Don’t Fry

Solstice, schmolstice; in my opinion, summer starts on Memorial Day weekend. (Not that we won’t take the opportunity to remind our dear readers about summer sun protection on June 21.) That’s why I love that the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention has declared the Friday before Memorial Day weekend “Don’t Fry Day” (#DontFryDay). It’s a reminder to everyone heading outdoors over the holiday to be sun-safe and avoid burning or tanning.

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